About Me

Welcome to my world! I'm a budding architect from Mumbai, India, with dreams that took me from earning my Bachelor's in Architecture at Dr. Baliram Hiray College in Bandra to chasing my Master's at the Georgia Institute of Technology in the U.S. This journey wasn't just about learning to design buildings; it opened my eyes to the vast possibilities of architecture as a creative force.

My first taste of the professional world was an internship with Shashi Prabhu and associates back in Mumbai, where I got my hands dirty with everything from drawing up designs to discussing projects with vendors. It was a crash course in the real world of architecture, teaching me the value of teamwork and the importance of every little detail in a project.

The adventure continued in Atlanta, working with the talented folks at SOURCE LLC since May 2023. Here, I've dived into client meetings, site inspections, construction drawings, and even 3D modeling, growing more confident and skilled along the way. It's been a journey of constant learning, pushing boundaries, and discovering new ways to approach design.

For me, architecture is about making a difference in people's lives, shaping spaces that reflect their needs and dreams. It's a thrilling journey, and I'm just getting started. Join me as I explore, learn, and create, one building at a time.

View my Resume here!

